Fravia's Messageboard ~ Moderated
Re: Only taboos on sex, none on killing?
Friday, 11-Jun-1999 04:34:05
an interesting start Jeff; you point to the issues of patriarchy quite well (which in its own way strives for an
immortality by upholding a tradition), and assumes a possession over the child. ultimately you will want to teach what is
the "compromise" between your wisdom (if you got any of that) and her natural passions. at any rate i am inclined to agree
with fravia+, the natural passions cannot be "legislated" or ruled with a tyrannical fist without forcing a point of
crisis--you have hit here upon the fundaments of one type of tragedy. do you see this? btw Donald D. mentions "disease",
but does he see the real issues at play here i.e., the real disease that turns Eros into a vulgar play between issues of
power (how to protect oneself) and contractable disease. I say fu*ck love in that context, it's worthless bourgeois shite.
if not it is a trite remark, and no one should give a crap about it. I didn't see mammon_'s remark about it (so it is out of
context). I suspect he had more to say on the point then that.
>as the only parenting class >I ever had was 'do not ever be like my own >parents'...
this seems a drastic move. what is it to build on the air that is necissarily superior to building on others errors?